Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Update on my Mom and Dad

Tomorrow my parents are moving back into their house! Serv-Pro is coming out to my parents rental house tomorrow to pack everything up for them and move it and everything from storage back into their house. The timing is working out well since their rental house had a ton of stairs and it would have been very difficult for my dad to get into the house when he comes home from Rehab. It has been just over 3 months since the fire. I know they are both looking forward to being back "home". I know I am ready to have them closer, they only live about a mile away.

My dad is doing pretty good. He has days when he gets very discouraged. He just wants to be at home with my mom. He is handling therapy well. He is walking pretty good with a walker. He will still be home bound for awhile after he comes home. We are hoping that maybe next week he will get to go home! My mom and I are going for a meeting on Friday morning with the facility to discuss how he is doing and hopefully we will know more then. Please continue to pray for his recovery, both physical and emotionally.

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