Friday, November 6, 2009

Flashback Friday-In honor of Emily's 2nd birthday!

Our youngest Emily Ann will be 2 on Sunday! Time has flown by so fast and she is such a joy and great addition to our family! For this flashback Friday I am going to share a little bit about the events leading up to Emily's arrival 2 years ago!

Emily was born 2 weeks early due to me having been diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I was having weekly stress test 2 times a week and ultrasounds a couple times a month to monitor her growth. Babies with mothers that have GD tend to be bigger and if they go full term and the baby is big chances for a C-section increase greatly! I was pretty adamant with my doctor from the start that I wanted to do everything I could to avoid a C-section. I had my other 2 children without a C-Section and that was the plan for Emily as well. He was a great doctor and helped me fulfil that wish. I ended up going in for an ultrasound on the Sunday before Emily was born and they were estimating her weight at 8 1/2 pounds! When I went to my regularly scheduled appointment that following Tuesday my Doc said it was time and he wanted to induce that week! She was a bigger but everything else was looking good, she was healthy. I was excited but not overly happy about having to be induced, but wanted to do what was right for the baby and for my health. Induction was scheduled for 2 days later on Thursday the 8th! I was to spend the night before in the hospital and proceed from there the next morning. Emily was born on Thursday afternoon at 4:14pm. She was screaming and so beautiful! Kyle and I fell in love instantly! I was very happy that I avoided a c-section and the birth was fairly easy. I ended up not even having to have pitocin, Doctor just broke my water and she was born about 3 hours later! Loving the fact that I have had easy and very quick deliveries! Emily ended up weighing in at 8 lbs. 7 oz. and 20 inches long!

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