Thursday, January 28, 2010

Emily and her new "big girl" bed!

Tonight we bought Emily a new toddler bed. She has been ready for a "big girl" bed for awhile. She was so excited at the store and when we got it home she wanted Daddy to put it together! We moved her crib and she help get the pieces out of the box. She was such a big helper! We got her pj's on and she was ready for bed. She got in, we covered her up and she fell fast asleep in her new "big girl" bed!

She insisted on having her fish aquarium that was on her crib in bed with her tonight! She has had it on her crib since she was born.


RebeccaH Photography said...

How sweet! She's such a cutie.

Mandee said...

How cute! I love that Daddy let her help out too! It's always so much more special to them when they get to help make it. :)

Kristie said...

Aww! She did SO well! Kinda makes ya sad seeing your little one leave the crib though, doesn't it?

Sarah at The Stroller Ballet said...

Awe. What a cutie! How exciting.

Amy Driehorst said...

So sweet! Love that she helped put it together. My little one fell asleep in her big girl bed alone tonight for the first time.

We have the habit (some would say wonderful, others would say terrible) of rocking our kids to sleep until they're about 2. She's the baby so we've still been doing it even though she's 2 1/2.

So, I'm not sure how I feel about her going to sleep alone...:)