Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Happy St. Paddy's Day!  Hope your all having a great day and wearing your green.  The sun is shining here, which is helping, since it is cold!  Makes it more bearable.  I am so ready for Spring.  I want to be outside, without a coat.  How about you? 

I am getting ready to head out for a long walk right now, then I guess I will need to clean my house, since it looks like I haven't in days, which might or might not be the case!  ;)

I bet you have always wondered what your Leprechaun name is.  Mine is Stumpy McSmelly!  Not so sure I like it!  Leave me a comment with your Leprechaun name, pretty please.  :)

Leaving you with a couple photos that are St. Paddy's day related.

Painted my nails green last night so I wouldn't get pinched today! Boy I need some sun and lotion!  ;)

Shamrock pancakes I made for breakfast this morning.  Emily helped me with the cookie cutter part.  :)

Would love it if you would head on over to Facebook and LIKE my new page for A Day in My life!  


Candi at said...

Cute nails! I liked your facebook page - check mine out too please -

Candi at said...

Nevermind I forgot you already did last week! HAHA!!

Kristie said...

I love the color of your nails! And those are some super creative pancakes! :-)

My name would be Warty McCoppertop...not too fond of my name either! LOL!